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Sundays at 10:30 am. 

3390 AR-36 in Searcy
The building behind Complete in Christ.

Christ Church Campus Labled

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Christ Church, Searcy is a Traditional Protestant church affirming the essentials of the faith as outlined in the Ecumenical Creeds. We are also a confessional Reformed church recognizing the Reformed Evangelical Confession as our confessional standard. For more information about our Standards, please see our Church Constitution.

Christ Church is a mission church of the Communion of Reformed Evangelical Churches (CREC) under the oversight of the session at Grace Covenant Church.

The most powerful thing the church does is worship. Every single week, on the Lord's Day, God himself graciously gathers his people together renewing his covenant with them and serving them. Yes, we are gathered to be served by God! When God serves his people in this way, he leads them, through the voice of his Word.  We respond to God's lead by servicing him with worship.

titus reading

  • God Calls us into his presence and we respond with praise and with confession of our sin.
  • God Cleanses us of our sins, and we respond with thanksgiving.
  • God Consecrates us by the instruction of his Word, and we respond by giving ourselves to him.
  • God Communes with us when he invites us to his table to enjoy a fellowship meal, the Eucharist, with him.
  • God Commissions us after we have been renewed, refreshed, and strengthened.  We are blessed to enjoy his rest for the remainder of the Lord's Day. We are to confidently enter into our various vocations during the rest of the week as holy callings from God, serving the world in his name.

Many ask if we are traditional or contemporary in musical style and what, if any, instruments we use. We take the biblical call to sing Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs seriously. Our services include musical versions of the Psalms as well as songs representing several eras of church history. Some elements of our service are sung a capella while our Psalms and Hymns are usually accompanied by a piano.

See a sample liturgy

raised hands

Christ Church longs to see God create us as a church that worships, prays, and plays together. We are a church that seeks the expanding of the Kingdom of God in our local community.
